To Our Truck Insurance Customers

Hello everybody out there in cyberspace. I just wanted to take a minute and say [...]

Reporting Sooner Is Better

Stuart Clark, Claims Manager at Beehive Insurance Growing up in the Los Angeles area in [...]

Inland Marine – Odd Phrase, Important Coverage

Inland Marine. For many people, that phrase may be a little confusing. “Inland” usually refers [...]

D&O for Private Companies

Directors and Officers in private companies face risks that are very similar to what their [...]

Business Income Insurance = Business Lifesaver

A few months ago, I was out for a run on a Saturday morning. As [...]

Blind Spots in Commercial Auto Coverage

Could you see your company ever facing this scenario? An on the job employee is [...]

The Basics of Builder’s Risk Insurance

Because buildings or structures under construction are not eligible for coverage under a regular property [...]

The Value of Renter’s Insurance

Imagine you are out to the movies with your spouse. You’re having a great time [...]

Documentation – Your Best Friend During A Claim

Stuart Clark – Claims Manager at Beehive Insurance Agency Many years ago I restored a [...]

Investing in Insurance

At Beehive Insurance Agency we have been specializing in and focusing on truck insurance for [...]