Utah’s Best Insurance Agents Recognized

Our agents make Beehive Insurance the quality provider it is. Case in point: last weekend, [...]

Safety Is Its Own Reward

How does your workplace encourage the reporting of work-related injuries and illnesses? Oftentimes, the policies [...]

Commercial General Liability Insurance, Part 2

Last week I covered several elements of commercial general liability insurance commonly requested for subcontractors. [...]

Commercial General Liability Insurance in Construction

As a subcontractor providing construction services to a contractor, you’re typically required by contract to [...]

ASI: Accident Scene Investigation

Have you ever watched those shows on TV where a team of investigators look through [...]

The Replacements

Many of you might remember a few months back when the NFL took a blind-sided [...]

Risks in Celebration

It’s hard to believe the holiday season is already upon us. Something that undoubtedly comes [...]

What Do You “Self-Insure”?

Last fall I was planning to replace two of the four tires on my SUV [...]

Second Nature Safety

A few years ago, I was working as an intern at a construction company. The [...]

Million Dollar Fire

Business was booming. I mean literally, BOOMING! My client was opening his third car audio [...]