Touchdown? Interception? Pass Interference! Everyone that is a football fan heard about the Monday Night Football game between the Packers and Seahawks a few weeks ago. The controversial last play of the game left all fans of the game stunned. Analysts and fans alike were calling for the NFL to bring back the professional referees and get rid of the replacements.
One of the main reasons behind the NFL using replacements referees in the first place was money. The NFL didn’t want to pay more money to the professional referees and instead chose a cheaper solution. Nobody had a problem with the replacement referees until the blown calls started happening. Finally the Monday Night debacle happened and enough became enough. That’s when the replacement referees became a big problem.
The situation with the NFL using replacement referees is similar to something we are faced with everyday: price vs. quality. Often times with insurance, consumers are primarily concerned with getting the lowest price, and the quality of coverage is more of an afterthought. The decision based solely on price seems like a fine decision until a claim occurs. It’s then that you wish your decision was based on more than just price, especially if the claim isn’t covered, coverage is inadequate, or the service is subpar. The initial savings in premium could end up costing you more in the long run.
There also seems to be a misconception that superior coverage only comes at a very high price. More often that not, increasing your limits costs very little in comparison to the additional coverage you receive.
At Beehive Insurance, we do our best to find you the best coverage at the best price. We understand that price is very important, but we also strive to cover all of the risks your business faces. We’re here to help you make the “right call” when it comes to your insurance.