Lindsey Carcamo

Account Manager

Lindsey fell into insurance rather by accident in the summer of 2018, it stuck and she couldn’t be happier about it. She’s constantly learning new things every day and working towards her insurance designations. Before the fall into her current role as an insurance account manager, she worked as a medical secretary for the University of Utah School of Medicine’s pediatric specialties. With that experience, she brought her love of humanity and caring demeanor.

Lindsey is married to an all-around awesome man and is the mother to three crazy kids. When she’s not working or shuffling kids to various soccer activities, she can be found laughing and having fun with her family, meditating, being creative and making new things (or restoring the old), practicing Reiki on herself and others, and spending time studying whatever has caught her attention.


What is your favorite quote?
She stood in the storm, and when the wind did not blow her away, she adjusted her sails.

What is your favorite activity to do in Utah?
To be in nature, usually after a good hike.

Words you live by…
Feel the fear and do it anyways!